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CALL FOR  EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AND INVITATION TO TENDER  for Counseling and Motivation Services - Mentorship Support  for  activation (integration) of GMA recipients in the Labour Market

The reform of the Social Protection System through the introduction of Guaranteed Minimum Assistance (GMA) includes enhanced activation of GMA beneficiaries. The project “Labour Market Activation of Vulnerable Groups” implemented by the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia  co-funded by European Union shall support a new approach to employment activation which caters to the needs of the unemployed people in vulnerable situations such as GMA recipients and other hard to employ job seekers in vulnerable situations (e.g. long-term unemployed or at risk of long-term unemployment, with low qualifications, those facing multiple barriers to enter the labour market, etc.). 

Skopje, 13.12.2018
Award for ESA at the "Site of the Year 2018" event
The official web-site of the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia was awarded with the second prize in the category government / state institutions within the "Site of The Year 2018" event.
Strumica, 30.11.2018
Through dialogue with the business sector, the government creates policies for increasing employment
Today in Strumica, more than 100 businessmen attended the second informative business meeting "Chance for All". At the regional meeting, besides government representatives and international organizations also attended representatives from the Economic chambers, business associations and other regional business organizations. 
Veles, 18.11.2018
Record 1.1 billion MKD for the new employment plan in 2019
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Kocho Angjushev, the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia and other stakeholders started the preparation of the new Operational Plan for active measures and programs for employment and services on the labor market for 2019. 
Skopje, 16.11.2018
Jovanovska at the session of the Management Board of the Organization of employers of Macedonia
The Director of the Employment Service Agency of RM today attended the session of the Management Board of the Organization of employers of the Republic of Macedonia. 

Sofija, 15.11.2018
Jovanovska in Sofia: We aim at promotion of our work in the service of the unemployed and the employers
The delegation of the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, led by the director Biljana Jovanovska, had a working meeting with the delegation of the Employment Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria.The director of the Employment Service Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, Jovanovska, met with the director of the Employment Agency of Bulgaria, Dragomir Nikolov in order to exchange experiences in the field of the labor market development.
Skopje, 16.07.2018
Jovanovska: Through personal assistants for disabled people we include the unemployed people in the labor market and we help people with disabilities
In the presence of the Director of the Employment Service Agency of RM Biljana Jovanovska,  the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Mila Carovska and representatives of Red Cross, in the premises of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, 92 certificates for personal assistants for disabled people were awarded today.
